User Roles

NeedleNine is a permission-based system, enabling specific features to each role.  When creating a user, you are required to select a user role. User roles can be changed at any time.

User Role Details

Chief Instructor contains all staff and instructor privileges. The Chief Instructor may create and edit courses. In addition, they have the ability to graduate clients from a course, switch a student from a Part 61 to Part 141, and apply appropriate credit for previous training.

Staff has complete administrative control of NeedleNine with the exception of Chief Instructor responsibilities. This is to ensure accountability for Part 141 compliance.

Instructors have control over the records indicating their student’s flight training. This included the ability to modify and add to a student’s schedule, grade course lessons, and add notes for the student’s review. Additionally, instructors have full control over their own schedule availability.

Clients manage their own profiles and may only schedule Training, Proficiency and Leisure reservations.

Prospective Client accounts are used for internal purposes to track onboarding journey. These accounts are able to be scheduled for Discovery Flights, although Prospective Clients cannot access their NeedleNine account.

Customer Service users may manage user profiles and complete scheduling functionality. However, they do not have permission to modify Accounting and other Staff-specific responsibilities.

Line Service is very similar to Client permissions with limited functionality but are provided employee rates for invoice creation.

Mechanic users may modify aircraft details including scheduled maintenance and discrepancies.

FAA users may only view a small portion of NeedleNine features including Course curriculum and Part 141 course approval. Editing is not allowed.

See Permission Matrix (coming soon) for a complete list of user permissions by role.

Note: NeedleNine does not currently have an Assistant Chief Flight Instructor role, nor intends to add this role. Our team believes that the responsibilities of an Assistant Chief Flight Instructor are met with the existing roles. If you disagree, please reach out to our team at [email protected].

Updated on October 27, 2022

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