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  3. Understanding Flight Types

Understanding Flight Types

To improve the user experience and track flight statistics, a number of different flight types may be selected when creating a reservation.

General | Proficiency – Flights that are conducted to maintain or regain flying proficiency but are not associated with a training course. Reservations made under this flight type can be used to reserve time with an instructor, but an instructor is not required.

Training – Flights that are associated with an enrolled course.  Each Training-type flight reservation will be tied to one of the client’s enrolled courses and a lesson for that course. The Flight Log, generated through the check-in process, is then linked to the client’s training record for complete record of completed lessons. Instructors are able to grade the client’s demonstrated skills and leave written feedback their student can reference in preparation for their next training flight.

Note: The option to select “Training” will only be available if your flight school has approved Courses.

Checkride – Reservation associated with checkride event.  This is useful for Staff to easily identify as high priority and ensure disruptions are minimized.

Leisure – Flight that is purely recreational in nature. Instructors cannot be added to Leisure reservations. If an instructor is desired, change the flight type to General | Proficiency or Training.

In addition to these flight types, Staff users can also select the following:

Discovery Flight – Can only be created for Prospective Client accounts.  Helps Staff easily identify and prepare for flight to ensure a positive experience.

Admin – Reservations that do not generate an invoice.  Could be used for special events or activities so the times are tracked but the user is not charged.

Maintenance – Time dedicated to addressed scheduled maintenance items.

Time Off – Irregular time an instructor is not available.  For example, an instructor is normally available from 9-4 on Mondays but is unavailable 12-2 a specific day.

Updated on July 6, 2022

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