Knowing the Instructor Role The instructor role includes all features available to Client as they may also enroll in courses and rent aircraft. Instructors...
Lesson Grading Lesson grading in NeedleNine is simple and intuitive. When completed properly, lesson records can be a powerful tool for students...
Managing Endorsements Endorsements in NeedleNine can be used as electronic copies of student endorsements but provide a few additional key features. Endorsements...
Instructor Availability NeedleNine makes it simple to let users know when you are available for scheduling and make changes when needed. Once...
Approving Instructors for Courses NeedleNine is designed to ensure proper permissions and regulatory compliance for instructors teaching individual courses. Follow these simple steps to...
Managing Instructor Groups Instructor Groups are a great way to organize instructors so clients can easily filter desired permissions. Groups can be customized...